Our International Law Firm believes that clients' success determines our own. So we ensure both by collaborating with our clients to achieve their goals.

Partnerships and Joint Ventures

Collaboration and joining forces with the right minds, establishing new ventures, we aim to give that.


Real Estate Investments

Investments in immovables, long term plans and commitments, let us help you to make the right decisions.



Your needs to will be defined together and the access to desired markets will be provided through us being as intermediaries involved and or as your agents enabling direct contact.


Customer Happiness

Our services in line with the broader needs of our existing customers, business partnerships, or new connections and incorporation of a structure that will enable the consortium to aim to mobilize and business development activities.



İşletmelerin ve şahısların tüm ihtiyaçlarına yönelik faaliyetleri ile “Firma” ilişkileri kaynağında çözümlemek ve hızlı ve kararlı sonuçlar almak adına yatırımlar yapmıştır. Ortakların geçmiş tecrübeleri doğrultusunda uluslar arası alanda da faaliyet göstermek sureti ile Türkiye’deki başarılı avukatlık şirketinin bir uzantısı ve paralel çalışmalara imza atmak üzere Hollanda’da yeni kimliğini aynı isimle (Gümüşkapı’nın İngilizce karşılığı olan Silvergate adı ile) tescil ettirmiş, faaliyetlerini başlatmıştır.
Avukat Mustafa Demir’in kurduğu ve Hollanda’daki kurumda CEO ve direktör olduğu şirketimizde faaliyet alanlarının başında hukuk müşavirliği, uluslararası mahkemelerde avukatlık ve temsil, arabuluculuk, hakem ve uluslar arası tahkim hizmetleri uluslararası insan hakları davaları hizmeti; faaliyetleri bulunmaktadır. Bunların yanı sıra, mali müşavirlik, raporlama ve defter tutma, Hollanda’da ve Türkiye’de; vergi danışmanlığı ve muhasebesi, Hollanda’da ve Türkiye’de; şirket kuruluşları, gerek Hollanda’da gerek Türkiye’de Hollanda’da ve

Mustafa DEMİR
Silver Gate Law Office Holland Director
Türkiye’de adres değişikliği, yasal prosedürler, araştırmalar, sözleşmeler ve detaylar şirket satın almaları ve birleşmeleri ve konsorsiyum oluşturma; gayrimenkul proje, inşaat ve danışmanlığı; yatırım danışmanlığı; teşvik ve yatırımlar yapılandırılması hizmeti; marka, zincir ve dağıtım iş geliştirme danışmanlığı hizmetleri de faaliyetlerimiz arasında yer almaktadır.


Clients' success determines

Our Activity Areas


Many clients already are demanding extensive services regarding information and cooperation from seeds to produce for trade. Nature has provided for us in plenty; how we learn to best preserve and most efficiently produce depends on the conscious efforts of the farmers. Become part of our network of service providers for buying and selling of goods internationally and training and cooperating to best grow what shares the precious resources of our Earth.
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We have a rich history in agriculture, farming and traditions have merged with modern day technologies to harness what nature offers us for life. Our family origins always go back to our villages yet the living standards, farming techniques and working conditions of past farming and keepers had not attracted attention and care until more and better technology became available throughout the Western world. Efficiencies, health standards maintenance, ease of doing things have brought about waves of massive investments, restructuring and building of many new farms where cost of doing has been lowered while the quality of produce has risen.
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Whether the basic ring cottons to the most sophsticated fire-proof, breathable fabrics. From the basic linens to the multi print velvet home furnishings, we have the contacts and the expertise you will need at all stages of the product cycle. From theme building to collections, from production to post delivery customer representation, you will find we can offer the service through our extensive experience and network of providers. All you need is to inquire with us.
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The business of trade in raw materials is mandated for us by our many producer partners / clients from around the world. Be it grains to yarns, we find the right partner for our colleagues to deal with. We are not neccessarily the most knowledgeable party at times but we certainly know how to get the trusted partners involved and providing the right solution for you in no time.
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Investments in immovables, long term plans and commitments, let us help you to make the right decisions.
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Large scale projects for ships and vessels of all sizes, be it trade or construction, we can provide you with full scale engineering and business development solutions. Through similar connections, yacht building, and excellent terms of maintenance agreements of yachts are within our service range. Capable engineers take care of your vessels, yachts while you enjoy the security and the reasonable costs we can offer you. For the terms and range of services offered, no one can match our standards.
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Sparking the interest of curious minds through posing the most relevant seemingly unrelated questions; Looking for the least obvious, stepping out of your comfort zone, we can help you build a new anything if you will let us.
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Collaboration and joining forces with the right minds, establishing new ventures, we aim to give the services that are required to establish a new collaborative force for the best means to approach a market and maximize the potential..
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Incentives to ease into any new endeavour in investments and new development activities anywhere in the world, we facilitate for you. With regard to export incentives of Turkish entities in and around the world, we have the network through our Turkish partner office Gumuskapi to offer the strongest and most advantageous terms possible.
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Silvergate Law Firm is always open for your interest. Suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact if you have questions or your advice.
  • Acutely apart stank somberly amidst yikes however and reflective dachshund much petted penguin fashionably slickly ouch jeez but this much human opposite unlike porpoise that far because.

    Ayşegül Yılmaz
    X Firması

  • Acutely apart stank somberly amidst yikes however and reflective dachshund much petted penguin fashionably slickly ouch jeez but this much human opposite unlike porpoise that far because.

    Fatih YILMAZ
    Y Firması

  • Acutely apart stank somberly amidst yikes however and reflective dachshund much petted penguin fashionably slickly ouch jeez but this much human opposite unlike porpoise that far because.

    Yeşim YILDIRIM
    Z Firması


You can contact your specialist in the field with teammates.



  • Silvergate Law Ofiice
    Weena-zuid 130 4. Kat
    3012 NC,

  • Phone: + 31 10 799 7500
  • Fax: + 31 10 7997333
  • Mail: info@silvergate.nl

  • Map Locations

    Silvergate Law Office


  • Gümüş Kapı Hukuk Bürosu
    Ortaklar Cad. No:10/12
    34394 Şişli,

  • Phone: +90 212 2756356
  • Fax: +90 212 2744764
  • Mail: info@mustafademir.av.tr

  • Map Locations

    Gümüş Kapı Hukuk Bürosu